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                                         and Achievement Showcase                                                                         Success

                                      Plan to attend this showcase focused on                                                             and Achievement Showcase

                                      Effortless Energy  in the goal mapping process.
                                      Saturday, May 30, 2015                                                                              An Introduction to the Concept of
                                      8:30AM - 9:00AM Continental Breakfast and Registration
         IRA B. MARSHALL,             9:00PM - 5:00PM Training Session                                                                    Effortless Energy                                               ®
         Registered Investment                              TM
         Advisor (RIA) and executive   The Inn at Spanish Bay Pebble Beach Resorts®
         director of his own firm,    St. Andrews Room                                                                                    The New Architecture For Thinking, Planning & Achieving
         realized years ago, a great   2700 17 Mile Drive
         need to combine the          Pebble Beach CA 93953
         essentials of foundation goal
         mapping with the process of   All participants receive handouts, continental                                                     Prepared and presented by Ira B. Marshall, RIA
         financial and estate planning   breakfast, buffet lunch, and refreshments.
         so that anyone could realize
         lasting financial success.   $750 per person
                                      Full package includes course workbook, and
         Ira's experiences and travels   additional handouts.
         provided him with invaluable
         insight and understanding    $695 per person
         about human dynamics and     2 or more registrants enrolling together receive a
         the inter-relationships      discounted rate along with the full package workbook
         between survival, ambition,   and special handouts.
         success and achievement.
                                      $595 per person
         He earned his Bachelors      Course workbook and special handouts are not
         Degree from Northwestern     included.
         University, Evanston, Illinois.   Company/Corporate on-site trainings are available.  Details at
         He then went on to receive                                         
         his legal education by       For corporate rates and discounts, contact our
         studying law at the University   office for details at 408.779.4049
         of Melbourne Law School,
         Victoria, Australia.         Register online:
                                      Mail to:  Ira B. Marshall, 2150 Lilac Lane, Morgan Hill CA 95037 (CA Lic# 0629668)
         Ira has received numerous    Fax to:  408.779.7191
         academic and professional
         honors and has been a        Name
         provider of continuing
         professional education as    Company
         well as a motivational       Address                                    City / St / Zip
         speaker and seminar leader.
                                      Phone                                      Email
         Today, Ira offers            Number Attending       Total Amount $       Check (Payable to Ira B. Marshall, RIA)
         comprehensive financial
         planning to a diverse and    or Credit Card :     VISA     MasterCard     American Express
         affluent clientele.
                                      Card #                                     Exp Date
         Ira and his wife Wanda make   Signature
         their home in Morgan Hill,                                                                                                      Ira B. Marshall will teach you how to
         California; together they    For more information: • (408) 779-4049 •
         enjoy swimming, travel and
         performing together in       Notice & Disclosure: Pebble Beach Company (”PBC”) lease space at their Pebble Beach Resorts® facilities, including The Inn at    keep up in a rapidly changing world
                                      Spanish Bay , and The Lodge at Pebble Beach , to Ira B. Marshall for his presentations, including workshops and seminars. PBC
         musical theater.             does not endorse Ira B. Marshall and there is no formal, legal relationship other than that set forth above.
                                      Pebble Beach®, Pebble Beach Resorts®, Pebble Beach Golf Links®,The Inn at Spanish Bay™, and their respective underlying distinctive images are trademarks,
                                      service marks and trade dress of Pebble Beach Company.  All rights reserved.  Used by permission.
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